Selasa, 09 September 2014

Six gun MOD v2.4.0i APK Data [Unlimited coins & Stars]

Six gun
Six Gun:-Mengambil latar barat kuno, Buck Crosshaw memulai petualangan dengan cowboy ini, dan memberantas kejahatan.
Dari segi lighting dan efeknya memang sangat menarik.
Kesannya kamu di ajak berkeliling dari satu tempat ke tempat yg lain, unlock weapon dan naikan level mu

Taking the ancient western background, Buck Crosshaw start the adventure with this cowboy, and combating crime. 
In terms of lighting and the effect is indeed very interesting. 
Impression invited you around from one place to the other, unlock weapons and your level of Rev

Menarik bukan? langsung saja download dengan cara, Klik disini

Interesting is not it? just download by the way, Click here

-unlimited Coins
-Unlimited stars

-unlimited Coins 
-Unlimited stars

Ada pertanyaan? ketik di kolom komentar.
there are questions? type in the comment column.
Or you can send a question from email:

Special Thanks to dhani gusti saputra

Minggu, 07 September 2014

Euro Truck simulator 2 patch

Jika anda sedang mencari euro truck simulator 2 patch, disini jawabannya!
         If you are looking for euro truck simulator 2 patch grovel!

Gambar untuk euro truck simulator 2
Halo semuanya, untuk mendownload euro truck simulator 2 patchnya Klik disini
hello all, to download euro truck simulator 2 patch Click here

    Cara Install & cara Penggunaan:
      How To Install & how to use:
  • Jika anda sudah ada di website tsb klik "your download is ready please click here to download file" Seperti gambar berikut
       If you are already on the website they will click "your download is ready      please click here to download file" As the picture below

  • Jika sudah buka file dan jalani semua perintah yg ada di aplikasi tsb
If it is open the file and run all the commands that are on the application
 Jika ada pertanyaan mohon comment, atau kirim pertanyaan      melewati email 

My facebook: Devara annan atau klik disini


Cara Agar Status Facebook  Di Like Banyak Orang ( Auto Like )-Status di like banyak orang merupakan impian semua pemilik akun Facebook. Apalagi jika like itu sampai ratusan bahkan hingga ribuan. Tapi, kenyataanya berbanding terbalik. Mungkin Anda hanya memiliki kurang lebih 5, 10, 15 like setiap status. 
Ways To Facebook Status In Like Many People (Auto Like) -Status in like many people the dream of all owners Facebook account. Especially if you like it to hundreds or even thousands. But, in fact inversely proportional. Maybe you only have approximately 5, 10, 15, like every state.

Tapi jangan bersedih hati, kali ini Devara Annan akan berbagi Cara Auto Like Status Facebook.
Status Anda akan di like banyak orang hingga ribuan dalam sekejap. Caranya sangat mudah tapi diperlukan ketelitian supaya auto like bisa berjalan dengan lancar.

But do not be sad, this time Devara Annan will share How to Auto Like Facebook Status. 
Your status will be like a lot of people to thousands in an instant. It is very easy but the required accuracy so that the auto like can run smoothly.

Langkah Pertama : Persiapan

First Step: Preparation
  • syarat pertama, Anda harus mempunyai Facebook account
  • The first requirement, you must have a Facebook account

  • Kemudian , kita harus mempunyai akun facebook dengan umur minimal 18 tahun, caranya dengan mengubah tahun lahir anda di profile,disini saya gunakan tahun 1994.
Then, we have to have a facebook account with a minimum age of 18 years, the way to change the year you were born in the profile, I used the 1994.

Setelah itu atur lagi pengaturan privasi menjadi publik, caranya yaitu masuk ke pengaturan privasi  lalu ubah pengaturan " Siapa yang dapat melihat apapun dari saya? " menjadi publik.Lihat foto dibawah

After that set the privacy setting again became public, how is entered into the privacy settings and change the setting "Who can see anything from me?" Became publik.Lihat photo below

  • Hal Yang Paling Penting !!! Update status facebook dan pastikan privasi diubah menjadi publik. Banyak orang gagal karena melewati langkah berikut.
The Most Important thing !!! Facebook status updates and make sure privacy is converted into a public. Many people fail because it passes the following steps.

Langkah Kedua : Cara Menggunakan Auto Like

Step Two: How to Use Auto Like
  • Masuk ke website :
Go to the website:
  • Setelah itu, Anda harus mencari Akses Token ,silahkan klik tulisan Click Here
After that, you should look for Access Token, please click on Click Here

Cara Agar Status Facebook  Di Like Banyak Orang ( Auto Like )
  • Jika Anda disuruh meminta izin, klik izikan. Jika ada tampilan iklan, klik saja "Skip This Ad" hingga kita muncul ke halaman kosong atau error. Silahkan periksa pada bagian adress bar, copy semua url yang ada

If you are told to ask for permission, click allow. If there are display ads, click "Skip This Ad" until we come to the blank page or error. Please check at the adress bar, copy all the existing url

Cara Agar Status Facebook  Di Like Banyak Orang ( Auto Like )
  • Kita kembali ke halaman awal, silahkan masukkan/paste kode akses token yang telah kita dapatkan tadi ke kotak yang tersedia, kemudian klik Submit
We return to the home page, please submit / paste code that has access token we had to get the box provided, then click Submit

Cara Agar Status Facebook  Di Like Banyak Orang ( Auto Like )
  • Setelah itu, Anda disuruh memilih menu yang tersedia yaitu Auto LikeAuto Komentar, dan Auto Like Fanspage. Silahkan klik Auto Like
After that, you are given the choice menu available are Auto Like, Auto Comment and Auto Like fanspage. Please click Auto Like
Cara Agar Status Facebook  Di Like Banyak Orang ( Auto Like )
  • Nanti akan muncul banyak halaman iklan yang harus Anda lewati lagi, caranya cukup klik Skip This Ad, jika Anda disuruh mendownload suatu file, lewatkan saja.
Later will come the many pages of ads that you have to pass again, do I just click Skip This Ad, if you are asked to download a file, skip it
  • Setelah itu, terdapat kumpulan status facebook milik Anda, pilihlah salah satu status yang ingin di like dengan cara mengklik tombol Submit
    Cara Agar Status Facebook  Di Like Banyak Orang ( Auto Like )
After that, there is a collection of facebook status belongs to you, choose one like the status that you want by clicking on the Submit button

  • Tunggu beberapa saat dan selesai, lihat status kita sudah di LIKE banyak orang. Biasanya 1x submit bisa hingga 200 orang lebih. Kalian bisa mengulanginya beberapa kali submit,asalkan kalian sabar karena kita harus menunggu waktu jeda yang bedurasi kurang lebih 10 menit. Ingat juga jangan terlalu berlebihan, sesungguhnya yang berlebihan itu tidak baik
Wait a few moments and complete, view the status we have in the LIKE a lot of people. Usually 1x can submit up to 200 more people. You can repeat it several times submit, as long as you are patient because we have to wait for a time interval that bedurasi approximately 10 minutes. Remember also not too much, in fact it is not excessive either
Sekian trik Cara Agar Status Facebook di Like Banyak Ratusan Orang (Auto Like).
A few tricks in How To Facebook Status Like Many Hundreds (Auto Like).

Spesial Thanks to :
Special Thanks to:

Sabtu, 06 September 2014

Download Minecraft crack all version [no survey & no password] 100% FREE [Download]

Photo 0.1
        Halo blogger semua kali ini untuk para pecinta minecraft.
saya akan membagikan link minecraft crack FOR FREE. untuk mendownload klik disini

Hello bloggers all this time for the lovers of minecraft. 
I will share the link minecraft crack FOR FREE. Click to download

F.A.Q (FAQ) sebagai berikut 
F.A.Q (FAQ) as follows

  • Q: Mengapa ko komputer saya\ laptop saya mendeteksi adanya virus?
  • A: karena minecraft crack, jika bukan crack harus membayar sekitar 276Rb        rupiah
  • Q: Why does my computer anyway \ my laptop detects the presence of a virus? 
  • A: because minecraft crack, if not crack must pay about $29 dollar
          But  I am sure your laptop will not be infected with the virus

  • Q: ko Aplikasinya ga jalan, tulisannya "This aplication need java"?
  • A: ya, minecraft butuh yg namanya java untuk menjalankan gamenya, untuk    java download di sini
  • Q: Application  way, writing "This application need java"? 
  • A: yes, it took that name minecraft java to run the game, for java download here

  • Q: loh ko hanya 1.06MB? game yg lain saja bisa sampai lebih dari 1GB
  • A: ya, setelah membukanya anda harus mendownload gamenya.
  • Q: you know why only 1.06MB? Another game that can be up to more than 1GB 
  • A: yes, after you have to download the game open.

  • Q: kan saya sudah mendownload Javanya tapi mengapa masih belum bisa?
  • A: Java perlu di install, jika sudah di install baru jalankan minecraftnya
  • Q: I've downloaded the Javanya but why still can not? 
  • A: Java needs to be installed, if it is a new install run minecraftnya

Jika anda mempunyai pertanyaan di luar FAQ kirim pertanyaan anda ke

If you have any questions beyond the FAQ post your question